New projects commissioned by NHS England
The NHS Benchmarking Network is delighted to announce new NHS England commissioned projects within our Insight and Analytics Programme.
The projects aim to build on work which forms part of our extensive member benchmarking programme and support health and social care organisation with insight to improve service delivery and outcomes. Find out more about each of the projects below.
Assessment of standards of care for people with a learning disability or autistic people in contact with health and justice organisations: Following the delivery of phase one of this project in 2022, this project has been recommissioned for the delivery of phase two. Phase one included a representative sample of prisons, Liaison and Diversion services across England. Phase two will extend the scope of the project participation to five Health and Justice areas in England, to include all adult prisons, Liaison Diversion services, Sexual Assault Referral Clinics (SARCs), Mental Health Treatment Requirement services (MHTR) and Reconnect.
Children’s Speech and Language Therapy and Paediatric Services: This new project will explore Children’s Speech and Language Therapy and Paediatric services in England. It aims to improve service delivery for children and young people.
Learning Disabilities Improvement Standards (LDIS) has been recommissioned for round 7! The NHS England Learning Disability Improvement Standards review is a national collection designed to understand the extent of organisational compliance with the NHSE Learning Disability Improvement Standards. It identifies improvement opportunities and reflects the strategic objectives and priorities described in national policies. Communications regarding registration and data collection dates will be released in the coming weeks.
MHLDA Data Collection and Mapping Refresh: First commissioned in 2023, this project will continue the work with stakeholders to support a system-wide understanding of the bed provision for MHLDA services in England.
Physical Restraint in Mental Health Inpatient Settings: This new project will review all physical restraint training in NHS commissioned Mental Health Inpatient services in England. It aims to find themes and gaps in data and understanding, and to compile recommendations.
Interested in commissioning a project? Contact the Insight and Analytics team today!
Constructed in partnership with the commissioner, our bespoke projects can provide strong evidence to support planning and delivery. A typical bespoke project will span 3-6 months and follow the below delivery cycle.
Phase 1: Initiation and Planning
Phase 2: Specification and Development
Phase 3: Data Collection
Phase 4: Analysis
Phase 5: Reporting and Dissemination
If this is of interest to your organisation or system and you would like to find out more please get in touch