
Keep up-to-date with the latest NHS Benchmarking Network developments and news!

On this page you will find NHSBN wide and member programme news. For news from our other programmes, please follow the links below:

Whole System Kim Burton Whole System Kim Burton

Access update to our show codes feature!

In response to member feedback, we have expanded access to our show codes feature. Previously restricted to certain users, this feature is now accessible to all users within a submitting member organisation*.

In response to member feedback, we have expanded access to our show codes feature. Previously restricted to certain users, this feature is now accessible to all users within a submitting member organisation*.

What is the show codes feature?
This feature is available to submitting member organisations* under our Terms of Membership. It allows users from these member organisations* to access the unique identifier codes of their peers*, fostering greater collaboration and insight in our benchmarking projects.

How to access the show codes feature
Accessing project outputs and submission codes is straightforward. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the NHSBN members’ area using your login credentials.

  2. Navigate to the project output page of a project that your organisation has participated in.

  3. Open the full project toolkit and select the latest year.

  4. Look for the “show codes” button at the top of the toolkit.

  5. Click on the button to reveal the list of submitting members* who have submitted data for that project. Their unique identifier codes and project lead details will be displayed to support networking and collaboration.

We hope this update makes it easier for members to connect with peers and gain valuable insights from our benchmarking projects. If you have any questions, please get in touch.

*Please note that some submitting members may have opted out of data sharing, meaning their identifier codes will not be displayed and this feature will not be available to their users.

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Whole System Kim Burton Whole System Kim Burton

Exciting year ahead for members of the NHS Benchmarking Network!

The NHS Benchmarking Network are thrilled to announce details of the 2025/26 benchmarking programme available to member organisations. Our revised vision is ‘to enable members to improve patient outcomes, raise health standards and deliver sustainable, quality health and care services through data excellence, benchmarking and the sharing of innovation.’  We aim to do that by continuing to do what we do best…

Click on the image to view and download the NHSBN 2025/26 Member Work Programme.

The NHS Benchmarking Network are thrilled to announce details of the 2025/26 benchmarking programme available to member organisations.

Our revised vision is ‘to enable members to improve patient outcomes, raise health standards and deliver sustainable, quality health and care services through data excellence, benchmarking and the sharing of innovation.’ 

We aim to do that by continuing to do what we do best, providing a benchmarking service that complements and fills a gap in national data and insight, facilitating service improvement activity leading to improved patient outcomes. 

We are continuing our annual cycle of data collections, alongside utilising national data sources to provide benchmarked insight with less data burden. We will also be providing a focused view on productivity and health inequalities to support members to understand their position in these priority areas. 

In collaboration with our reference and steering groups we will be adapting our benchmarking collections in the following ways:

  • Managing Frailty – we will expand the scope of the Managing Frailty project from solely an acute setting, to in a bed-based setting to capture activity in the community. 

  • Adult/All-Age Community Services – we will benchmark the community therapy services benchmarked in the 2024 Adult Therapies project in a new Adult/All-Age Community Services project. We will also benchmark Community Cardiac and Community Respiratory services in this project, which haven’t been benchmarked since 2022.  

  • Children’s Community Services – we will combine children’s community services benchmarked in 2024 to offer a Children’s Community Services project benchmarking; Health Visiting, School Nursing, Children’s Community Nursing and four children’s community therapy services; Dietetics, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech & Language Therapy.

  • Pharmacy – scoping the inclusion of Mental Health and Community Pharmacy provision in the project. This is being feasibility tested with members to ensure effectiveness and minimising the impact on the established Acute Pharmacy participation.

  • Other projects – based on feedback and member engagement the other annual projects scope and specifications will be reviewed and updated to maximise usefulness for members. E.g., plans to include additional questions around provision for neurodiversity teams in the Adult’s and Older People’s Mental Health and Children and Young People’s Mental Health Projects, continuing to develop the Type 3 data collection for the Emergency Care project and introducing a staff survey to the Intermediate Care project.

More detail on the timescales for our collections is available to view and download here. All projects will be opening for registration in March, enabling you to prepare early and maximise the value. 

However, there is so much more to membership than the data collection projects! Membership also gives you the opportunity to network with other like-minded individuals and organisations and we will be offering more ways to do this during 2025/26.

Click on the image to register your attendance for the webinar.

Join us for the member programme launch webinar
To kick off the new membership year, we invite you to join our launch webinar on Thursday, 20th March, 09:00 – 10:30am via MS Teams. This event will outline next year’s projects and help you prepare to maximise your membership in the year ahead. 
Please click here to register to attend the event.

2025/26 membership renewals 
Next week, we will email membership renewal letters to membership lead contacts. This letter will cover the steps for membership renewals to secure continued access for 2025/26. If you have any questions about the renewal process, please reach out.  

2024/25 member survey 
Thank you to our members for their continued support to the NHS Benchmarking Network. We’d love to hear your feedback on this year’s member programme. Your insights are invaluable in shaping our future initiatives. Members can access this year’s survey via a pop up upon logging in to the members’ area.  

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Whole System Kim Burton Whole System Kim Burton

A Day of Teamwork, Learning, and Festive Cheer

On 6th December, the NHS Benchmarking Network team came together for a whole business team day filled with learning, collaboration and festive fun. The day provided a valuable opportunity for colleagues to connect, share ideas, and explore ways to strengthen teamwork and business development.

On 6th December, the NHS Benchmarking Network team came together for a whole business team day filled with learning, collaboration and festive fun. The day provided a valuable opportunity for colleagues to connect, share ideas, and explore ways to strengthen teamwork and business development.

Interactive Sessions to Inspire and Collaborate
The team rotated through six interactive sessions delivered by colleagues:

  • The Business: A deep dive into how the business operates today and opportunities for future growth.

  • Active Minds, Safe Spaces: Exploring how to build and sustain psychological safety within the workspace.

  • Closing the Loop: Feedback and ideas for collaboration from the Dev Hub team.

  • Shaping Business Development: Understanding the evolution of business development and how we can work together to shape its future.

  • Unleash Your Inner Ape: Investigating the role of self-awareness in communication and teamwork.

  • Unlocking Fabrica: The team day marked the first visit to our new office space, Fabrica. This session included a tour, a safety induction, and an overview of office house rules.

Ending the Year with Festive Fun
After a productive day, the team embraced the festive spirit by donning Christmas jumpers and heading to Roxy Ball Room for an evening of pool, ping pong and holiday cheer.

Looking Ahead to 2025
The day was a fantastic opportunity to strengthen connections, share ideas, and explore new ways of working together. It provided valuable insights and a shared sense of purpose as we prepare for the year ahead.

✨ Happy Holidays from the NHS Benchmarking Network! ✨

As 2024 comes to a close, we want to thank our members, participants and partners for their continued support and collaboration. We wish you all a joyful festive season and a healthy, happy New Year!

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Whole System Kim Burton Whole System Kim Burton

Relaunch: The National Indicators Tool

We are excited to announce that our National Indicators tool (formerly known as the Integrated Care Benchmarker) has been updated!

We are excited to announce that our National Indicators tool (formerly known as the Integrated Care Benchmarker) has been updated!

What is the National Indicators tool?
The National Indicators dataset is curated in collaboration with Network members and other stakeholders. It draws from a range of publicly available data sources with the aim of supporting healthcare leaders in developing strategic planning and delivering the goals of the NHS Long Term Plan.

Data is presented in the tool at ICB level via charts, maps, and time series analysis and has the facility to drill down to sub-ICB and Local Authority level data.

Key updates
The refreshed version of this tool introduced several enhancements which are designed to improve user experience. Key updates include:

  • An updated landing pate with a streamlined search box, allowing users to quickly locate the data needed.

  • A new ‘tags’ feature that organises data into easily navigable groups.

  • Bookmarking capabilities to save metrics of interest for faster access in future visits.

  • A new feedback button, allowing users to provide direct feedback on specific metrics or features.

These updates are part of our ongoing commitment to improving the tool. In the coming weeks and months, we plan to release further updates and publish ‘How-To’ videos to help users utilise the tool.

How to access the tool
Members can access the National Indicators tool on the members’ area.

From a member organisation but don’t have a members’ area login? Request one here.

If your organisation is not a member and you’d like to find out more about becoming a member, please get in touch.

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Whole System Claire Taiwo Whole System Claire Taiwo

Annual NHS Benchmarking Network Steering Group Away Day!

On Thursday 21st November, the Support Team set off to Birmingham to meet with the NHSBN Steering Group for a productive planning day. The agenda for the day included the quarterly governance meeting, discussions around the 2025/26 member work programme, finance, and then rounding off the day with table discussions.

On Thursday 21st November, the Support Team set off to Birmingham to meet with the NHSBN Steering Group for a productive planning day. The agenda for the day included the quarterly governance meeting, discussions around the 2025/26 member work programme, finance, and then rounding off the day with table discussions.

Governance Meeting
The governance meeting covered the progress that the Support Team have made on the 2024/25 member work programme and how this has helped work towards the NHSBN objectives for the year. There have been many improvements that have been implemented over the 2024/25 membership year, such as:

  • The show code feature

  • The introduction of the NHSFutures workspace

  • A new online validation tool

  • The introduction of the Virtual Wards project

We continue to work with our Steering Group, Reference Groups and members on their feedback to ensure that members’ get the most value out of membership.

2025/26 Member Work Programme
The Support Team then went on to present the proposed Member Work Programme for 2025/26. This included detail of the changes and updates to each project based upon member feedback, ensuring national datasets are utilised where possible to reduce the data burden. The Steering Group approved the Member Work Programme proposal. Communications regarding the 2025/26 Member Work Programme will be sent out to members in the new year.

2025/26 Budget and Membership Fees
The 2025/26 proposed budget and membership fee model were presented to Steering Group members. After discussion around the current financial landscape and the impact of the proposals the budget and membership fee proposals were approved. Communications regarding membership renewals and the 2025/26 membership fees will be sent out to members in the new year.

Technology update
There has been significant investment in technology at NHSBN, which will make the online tools more efficient and effective for our members, whether its registering for a project, uploading data, validation or viewing outputs. Following member feedback, the Support Team have also been working on relaunching the Integrated Care Benchmarker. This will now be known as National Indicators and communications around this are imminent.

2024/25 Steering Group Update:
This membership year we have had some movement within our Steering Group member. You can find out more information about the Steering Group and its current members via our Steering Group webpage.

We have welcomed four new Steering Group members:

  • Amar Shah, East London NHS Foundation Trust

  • Helen Potter, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

  • Lisa Franklin, Hampshire and Isle of White ICB

  • Rebecca Taylor, Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust

And said thank you and farewell to four Steering Group members:

  • Gaurav Sharma, West London NHS Trust

  • Gurprit Pannu, Sussex Health and Care

  • Hassan Paraiso, The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

  • Mohit Venkataram, East London NHS Foundation Trust

We would like to thank all of our Steering Group members for their continued support throughout 2024 and look forward to continuing to work with your in the future.

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Whole System Claire Taiwo Whole System Claire Taiwo

New projects commissioned by NHS England

After a competitive tender process, NHS Benchmarking Network are pleased to announce the award of two new projects commissioned by NHS England.

The NHS Benchmarking Network is delighted to announce new NHS England commissioned projects within our Insight and Analytics Programme.

The projects aim to build on work which forms part of our extensive member benchmarking programme and support health and social care organisation with insight to improve service delivery and outcomes. Find out more about each of the projects below.

  • Assessment of standards of care for people with a learning disability or autistic people in contact with health and justice organisations: Following the delivery of phase one of this project in 2022, this project has been recommissioned for the delivery of phase two. Phase one included a representative sample of prisons, Liaison and Diversion services across England. Phase two will extend the scope of the project participation to five Health and Justice areas in England, to include all adult prisons, Liaison Diversion services, Sexual Assault Referral Clinics (SARCs), Mental Health Treatment Requirement services (MHTR) and Reconnect.

  • Children’s Speech and Language Therapy and Paediatric Services: This new project will explore Children’s Speech and Language Therapy and Paediatric services in England. It aims to improve service delivery for children and young people.

  • Learning Disabilities Improvement Standards (LDIS) has been recommissioned for round 7! The NHS England Learning Disability Improvement Standards review is a national collection designed to understand the extent of organisational compliance with the NHSE Learning Disability Improvement Standards. It identifies improvement opportunities and reflects the strategic objectives and priorities described in national policies. Communications regarding registration and data collection dates will be released in the coming weeks.

  • MHLDA Data Collection and Mapping Refresh: First commissioned in 2023, this project will continue the work with stakeholders to support a system-wide understanding of the bed provision for MHLDA services in England.  

  • Physical Restraint in Mental Health Inpatient Settings: This new project will review all physical restraint training in NHS commissioned Mental Health Inpatient services in England. It aims to find themes and gaps in data and understanding, and to compile recommendations.

Interested in commissioning a project? Contact the Insight and Analytics team today!

Constructed in partnership with the commissioner, our bespoke projects can provide strong evidence to support planning and delivery. A typical bespoke project will span 3-6 months and follow the below delivery cycle.

Phase 1: Initiation and Planning

Phase 2: Specification and Development

Phase 3: Data Collection

Phase 4: Analysis

Phase 5: Reporting and Dissemination

If this is of interest to your organisation or system and you would like to find out more please get in touch

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Community, NACEL Claire Taiwo Community, NACEL Claire Taiwo

National Conference of Community Hospitals Association - ‘Leading Best Practices Today, Shaping the Healthcare of Tomorrow’

On the 10th October, the National Conference of Community Hospitals Association (CHA) convened for its first gathering since 2017. The conference brought together healthcare professionals, policymakers, and international guests.

On the 10th October, the National Conference of Community Hospitals Association (CHA) convened for its first gathering since 2017. The conference brought together healthcare professionals, policymakers, and international guests. The two day event focused on "Leading Best Practices Today, Shaping the Healthcare of Tomorrow."

Colleagues from the Member Programme Team and our National Audit for Care at the End of Life Team were invited to attend the two day conference.

The Member Programme Team

Sarah Handby, Senior Project Manager, and Danny Iyoha, Project Manager, attended from the Member Programme Team. They ran workshops, showcasing the Network's community hospitals data, focusing on Emergency Care and Intermediate Care. They also facilitated structured discussions around the data requirements for community hospitals and explored how the Network can support this moving forward.

The whole conference highlighted all the amazing work done in community hospitals around the UK, and also internationally.

Sarah Handby had this to say:
”It was wonderful to speak with so many members of the Network and hear how they have used the data to support service improvement in their local area and share ideas for future iterations.”

If you have any suggestions on how we can support community hospitals within our member programme, please contact the team at

The National Audit of Care at the End of Life (NACEL) Team

In addition to plenary sessions, the conference featured workshops led by Joylin Brockett, Senior Project Manager at NHS Benchmarking Network and Dr Mary Miller, NACEL Clinical Lead and Consultant Palliative Medicine at Oxford University Hospitals Foundation Trust. The workshops attracted 40 participants and provided an introduction to the National Audit of Care at the End of Life (NACEL), covering eligibility criteria, driver diagrams, exclusion criteria, and audit elements which include:

  • Four data streams

  • A NACEL portal

  • Data and Improvement Tool (DIT)

  • Data Dashboards

Participants were particularly engaged in the live demonstration of the Data Improvement Tool (DIT). Examples of the case note review, bereavement survey (quality survey), staff survey and hospital level data on community results were shared which showed that community hospitals are doing better than the national picture on most metrics.

Participation figures for NACEL 2024 so far… Key questions posed during the workshops:

Feedback from participants highlighted strong interest in the data presented and excitement about potential quality improvement initiatives. However, there were also calls for consideration regarding the clarity of language used.

A key takeaway from the conference was the lack of a national definition of a community hospital. Professor Chris Whitty noted that there are about 100 community hospitals in the UK, but no one keeps a complete list of them. Without this list, it is hard to know the impact of these institutions.

Commissioning for community hospitals varies widely across regions. Some facilities are classical locally embedded cottage hospitals with beds serving a rural community. A minority are part of acute Trusts, and many do not have inpatient beds focusing on acute healthcare and social care issues, but may not provide care at the end of life. This diversity underscores the need for a cohesive national strategy, which the CHA aims to develop.

The conference also emphasised the huge ambition for data and quality improvement within community hospitals. A special interest group supported by Q has been established, with recordings available on the CHA YouTube channel (@CommHospUK) for those unable to attend.

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Whole System andrew wright Whole System andrew wright

Launching our member programme event season! 

We are excited to announce the launch of our highly anticipated webinar events season, kicking off on Tuesday 3rd September with our Learning Disability Specialist Services Data Collection Launch Event.


We are excited to announce the launch of our highly anticipated webinar events season, kicking off on Tuesday 3rd September with our Learning Disability Specialist Services Data Collection Launch Event. 

The majority of member programme projects are now in validation and the project support teams are preparing for our annual benchmarking findings events taking place from September to January. As ever, our events are highly popular, engaging and informative, covering a wide range of topics and healthcare trends. A full schedule can be found below. 

The benchmarking findings webinars bring together our expert Support Team and senior healthcare professionals. They will share their expertise and best practices across different healthcare sectors - whether you're a nurse, project manager, or analyst. These webinars will offer valuable knowledge and actionable takeaways to improve your organisation's performance and drive success. 

Once again we are preparing for the launch of our events season, including our highly popular project findings events. We are excited to be providing a platform to not only showcase our data but invite professionals to connect, learn and grow” - Emma Bamber, Associate Director Member Programme. 

Registration for any of the events below can be completed here - upon registration, participants will receive an email confirmation and calendar invite which is to be used to access the event. 

Interested members are encouraged to secure their spot early. Register now for specific webinars or to gain comprehensive knowledge across multiple disciplines why not opt for the entire series! t  Webinar recordings will be made available on the members’ area for those who attend and want to recap and to ensure those who are unable to attend can access the content at their convenience.  Don’t have access to the members’ area, you can request access here  

All events will take place on Microsoft Teams unless otherwise stated. If you have any difficulties registering, then please contact   
We look forward to welcoming you all to our webinars later this year!   



Every Tuesday (14:00 – 14:30) - Community projects drop-in session  

Every Thursday (11:30 – 12:00) - Acute projects drop-in session 

03/09/24 (14:00 – 15:00) - Learning Disability Specialist Services Data Collection Launch Event 

25/09/24 (15:00 – 16:00) - Annual General Meeting 


15/10/24 (13:30 – 16:00) - Emergency Care Benchmarking Findings Event 

16/10/24 (13:30 – 16:00) - Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation Benchmarking Findings Event  

25/10/24 (13:00 – 16:00) - NHSBN and the Queen’s Nursing Institute; Exploring the landscape of District Nursing in 2023/24 

30/10/24 (13:00 – 15:00) - Adult and Older People's Mental Health Benchmarking Findings Event 


13/11/24 (13:30 – 16:30) - Managing Frailty in the Acute Setting Benchmarking Findings Event 

14/11/24 (13:00 – 15:00) - Children and Young People’s Mental Health Benchmarking Findings Event 

20/11/24 (13:00 – 16:00) - Therapies Benchmarking Event (Adult Therapies and Children's Community Therapies projects) 

29/11/24 (13:30 – 16:00) - Healthy Child Programme and Children's Community Nursing Findings Event 


10/12/24 (13:30 – 16:00) - Outpatients Benchmarking Findings Event 

12/12/24 (13:30 – 16:30) - Intermediate Care Benchmarking Findings Event 

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