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Learning Disability Specialist Services Benchmarking Findings Webinar

Get ready to dive into the latest insights from the Learning Disability Specialist Services Benchmarking Findings Webinar for 2023/24, presented by our expert Network Support Team!

Our 2024 Learning Disability Specialist Services Benchmarking Findings Webinar will include key findings from this years project, including whole service area, patient profile, finance, safety and Feedback. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from a range of guest speakers and actively contribute to discussions throughout the session with the aim of facilitating service development and professional networking.

Stay tuned to our social media channels, where we’ll be unveiling our guest speakers!

Don’t miss out - secure your spot by clicking the register button. Non-members are welcome too! Just use the alternative sign-up option below.

Want to get involved or have any questions? Reach out to us at We can't wait to see you there!

12 December

Intermediate Care Benchmarking Findings 2024